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At Bishop Ullathorne, everyone should feel safe. We will do everything that we can to make sure that students are protected and happy. 

This student friendly policy is to help you understand what safeguarding means, to help you decide what could be a problem and to explain who you should talk to.


What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of all our young people and to protect them from harm.

Safeguarding means: protecting children from abuse and maltreatment. Preventing harm to children's health or development. Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.

Staff at Bishop Ullathorne agree that they should:

  • Protect you from harm.
  • Make sure that nothing stops you being healthy or developing properly.
  • Make sure that you are safely looked after.
  • Make sure that you have the best life chances and can grow up happy and successful.

Staff at Bishop Ullathorne agree that to make sure they look after you they will:

  • Make sure the school is a friendly, welcoming and supportive place to spend time in. Somewhere you want to be.
  • Be there for you to talk to if you need to and know who to ask for help.
  • Give you safe messages in your lessons to help you learn how to look after yourself both online and in the real world.
  • Have all the right rules in place to help look after you. They will follow these rules all of the time (these rules are called policies).


When someone hurts you, it can be called abuse. This is when someone does something to you that is harmful, unpleasant or painful like:

  • If someone deliberately hits you, hurts you, injures you or humiliates you in different ways.

  • If someone says or does something that makes you feel bad about yourself or hurts your feelings, which makes you feel scared, sad, upset or frightened.

  • If someone doesn’t take proper care of you so you feel abandoned, lonely or neglected. You might not be able to eat or wash regularly, or you might not be able to come to school every day or on time

There are four types of abuse:

1. Physical Abuse – hitting, smacking, shaking, throwing, burning, biting etc.

2. Sexual Abuse – be aware this doesn’t always mean actually touching a child. It could be someone making you watch things to do with sex or encouraging you to act in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.

3. Neglect – this means things like not providing meals or warmth or clothing. Or perhaps not taking you to the doctors when you need to go. There may be lots of different reasons why a child is neglected and it is really important that we know so we can help.

4. Emotional Abuse – This means when someone upsets you or makes you feel bad. If someone in your family says horrible things to you and makes you feel sad and worthless.

Abuse is never ok and if you are being or have been abused you must remember – it is not your fault.

You must always tell someone and they will help it to stop.

In and out of school

All of the staff at Bishop Ullathorne will do our best to make sure the building is safe for you to learn and spend time in. We will make sure that we know who everyone is in school by asking visitors to sign in at reception. You will always know who a visitor to the school is because they will have signed in at reception and will be wearing a visitor badge around their neck. If you see someone in school who is not wearing a badge and is not with a member of staff you should ask them politely who they are and ask them to make their way to the gatehouse. If you do not feel confident enough to do this please let a member of staff know straight away.

The building, outside areas and fields will be as safe as they can be for you so that you don’t hurt yourself, although accidents can happen if you are not careful. Staff will look after you if the fire alarm goes off and you should know what to do and where to go. When you leave school to go on a trip, the staff will make sure they can keep you safe wherever you are going.


What we will do

At Bishop Ullathorne, we will help you in the following ways:

  • We will do our best to spot if there is a problem. All of the adults in school have had training in this.
  • We will work with other people (including the people at home) to help protect you and solve any problems you may have.
  • We will listen to you if you want to talk to us and need our help. We will always take you seriously.
  • We will support and encourage you and will respect your wishes and views. You can talk to any member of staff, but you should know that there are a number of staff who are responsible for making sure you are safe and well cared for, and they are listed below.

It is important that you know:

  • It is never your fault if someone is hurting or abusing you.
  • There is always someone who can help you.
  • If someone is hurting you, they might also be hurting someone else so it is important that you tell someone to make it stop.
  • Every child should enjoy their right to a happy and safe childhood.

Do not be scared to tell someone straight away - we will always listen.

Any disclosure made will be passed to Mrs Boyle who is the designated safeguarding lead at Bishop Ullathorne.

How can you keep yourself safe?

Bullying - If you think a student or an adult is bullying you or someone you know, you must tell your teacher/parent/carer or someone you can trust as soon as you can. It won’t stop unless you do. Bullying should not be kept a secret.

Saying strange things to you - If a student or an adult says something to you, or you hear something that you do not like or that upsets you, you must tell your teacher/parent/carer or someone you can trust.

Touching you -Your body belongs to you and not to anyone else. This means all of your body. If someone touches you on a part of your body you do not like, it is NOT OK. You must tell your teacher/parent/carer or someone you can trust as soon as you can.

Hitting, punching or smacking you - If a student or a grown up hits, punches or smacks you or hurts you in any way, you must tell your teacher/parent/carer or someone you can trust as soon as you can.

Presents - Presents are a lovely thing to get, but you should not take a present from anyone without checking with your parents first. Most of the time it will be ok, but sometimes people try and trick young people into doing something by giving them presents (like sweets, money or phones) This is sometimes called a bribe. If it does not seem right, tell someone as soon as you can.

On the computer or your phone - Computers and mobile phones help us all to share things and talk to our friends or family, but they can also make it easier for bullies and other people that want to hurt you to get close to you. It is important to know how to keep yourself safe on your computer, your phone and on websites. Bishop Ullathorne School has an e-safety policy which is there to protect you. If you are unhappy with any comments or photographs you’ve seen on your computer or mobile then you can also contact as well as adults in school.

What will you learn in school that will help you to keep safe?

During your time at Bishop Ullathorne School you will be taught CPSHE lessons once a week. In your lessons you will learn about lots of important ways that you can keep yourself safe and healthy from mental health issues, keeping safe, online safety, exploitation, body image, drugs and healthy lifestyles to name a few. Every student will also have assemblies and retreats which will also focus on keeping you safe at key times

People in school who can help you:




Miss Hully


Chris Billings.jpg

Mrs Boyle


Year 7


Julie Maxwell not cropped.jpg

Ms Maxwell

Debbie Greenway (1).jpg

Miss Greenway


Year 8 & 9

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Mrs Jeremiah

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Mrs Rosner

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Miss Howe


Year 10 & 11


Miss Durkan

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Mrs Marston


Year 12 & 13

Trish Casey.png

Mrs P Casey

Frances Grearson.png

Mrs F Grearson

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Mrs T Brazil

Jackie Salter.jpg

Mrs Salter

Lauren Stundon1.jpg

Miss Stundon


Miss Moore


Coventry Prevent Team

Coventry as a city have Prevent specific resources to safeguard our communities.

The Coventry Prevent Team are an all-age early intervention service across the city of Coventry who work to safeguard people from being radicalised, supporting extremist groups or becoming involved in terrorism.

They offer a range of training, policy guidance and support to partner organisations and community groups. Their key aim is to help people understand the local risks of radicalisation and to provide them with the knowledge and resources to build resilience within their area.

The Channel programme supports individuals at an early stage to disengage from all forms of extremism and terrorism. This is achieved through working with the individual to create and implement a bespoke multi-agency support plan.


The Prevent Coordinator is responsible for leading the coordination, referrals, programme management and communications of all aspects of Prevent and advising on the work in Coventry.

Contact details: Manjeet Pangli -


The Prevent Education Officer role is very much one of delivering Prevent priorities locally and driving support for education settings.

This is by:

■ providing advice and support to schools on their compliance with the requirements of the Prevent statutory duty as set out in the Prevent Duty guidance

■ embedding Prevent in the curriculum, increase pupils’ resilience to radicalisation, and promote fundamental British values

■ offering advice, support and deliver training to education settings

■ developing and maintain effective working relationships with the full range of Prevent partners

For advice or support please contact:

Viv Brosnahan -

Prevent Referral Form | Coventry City Council


Eastern Prevent Team (Coventry/Solihull) currently have Six Prevent Officers whose primary safeguarding role is to prevent vulnerable people becoming involved in violent extremism of all kinds.

The team are comprised of a Sergeant and five Constables who are Police Prevent Officers   appointed to help tackle terrorism through building strong links with local communities thus making them resilient to the extremist narrative.

They work alongside Neighbourhood Policing Teams to support local citizens, community groups, educational establishments and partner organisations with understanding issues around all forms of extremism and can help guide practitioners with supporting materials (toolkits, workshops and presentations).

All referrals need to be made to the below email address promptly:

The team can be contacted on the below numbers for advice if needed:


Tel 101 ext 831 3039 / 07554 436724



Prevent Duty Training

Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people vulnerable to radicalisation | Prevent duty training (


PREVENT – Link to the Prevent Duty – Updated 21/4/2021

Revised Prevent duty guidance: for England and Wales - GOV.UK (

Governance Handbook and Competency Framework   8/10/2020

Governance handbook and competency framework - GOV.UK (

Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism by Acting Early  

ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation

When to Call the Police – Guidance for Schools and Colleges

When to call police guidance for schools and colleges.pdf (

Counter Terrorism Policing – Latest News

News | Counter Terrorism Policing

Making a Prevent Referral Form – Coventry Prevent Team

Prevent referral form – Coventry City Council

Channel and Prevent Multi Agency Panel Guidance   22/2/2021

Channel and Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP) guidance - GOV.UK (

Prevent Multi Agency Panel Duty Guidance   2021

Prevent Multi-Agency Panel Duty Guidance: Protecting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism (

Channel Duty Guidance 2020

Channel Duty Guidance: Protecting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism (

Educate Against Hate - Resources

Educate Against Hate - Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism

Protecting Children from Radicalisation – The Prevent Duty     17/8/2015

Protecting children from radicalisation: the prevent duty - GOV.UK (

Promoting British Values though SMSC    27/4/2014

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOPS)

CEOP Safety Centre

Reporting Online Material Promoting Terrorism or Extremism

Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism - GOV.UK (

The use of Social Media for Online Radicalisation     1/7/2015

The use of social media for online radicalisation - GOV.UK (

Keeping Children Safe in Education   1/9/2022

Keeping Children Safe in Education - GOV.UK (

UK Safer Internet Centre Resources

Appropriate Filtering and Monitoring - UK Safer Internet Centre

Filtering Provider Responses - UK Safer Internet Centre

National Grid for Learning – Online Safety Audit for Schools

The National Grid for Learning - Online Safety Audit (

ACT Early - Radicalisation on the Internet

Radicalisation on the internet/ ACT Early

Teaching Online Safety in Schools 26/6/2019

Teaching online safety in schools - GOV.UK (

The following websites give a comprehensive database of online safety resources for school leaders, teachers and parents:

London Grid for Learning

Trust Me: Childnet has created a resource designed to support teachers in exploring critical thinking online.

The ‘Trust Me’ resource has been created with teachers in mind after hearing from schools that they wanted a resource which would start the conversations around extremism and extreme online content. It has a primary pack and a secondary pack with lesson plans and activities to empower teachers and young people. It challenges young people to think critically about what they see online

Content, Contact and Propaganda. It is ideal for PSHE citizenship and digital literacy with application across the curriculum

CEOP Thinkuknow: The CEOP Thinkuknow website has lots of resources for all ages, including cyber-bullying, relationships, sex and the internet

The UK Safer Internet Centre has tips, advice, guides and resources for parents, carers, teachers and other professionals on how to help keep children and young people safe online

360 degree safe: This is an online safety self-review tool for schools which is a free tool available to assess your school’s wider online safety provision and used by over 7,000 UK schools

Links for Parents

Contact The Police Read More >

Crime Stoppers Read More >

See me Hear me Read More >

Domestic Abuse Read More >

Child exploitation Read More >

Online safety Read More >

Net aware Read More >

Child net Safety online See More >

Staying safe on minecraft Read More >

Internet safety controls Read More >

NSPCC Read More >

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) -for visiting service users Email: Directions to MASH

Mental Health Read More >

HappyMaps Read More >

​Kooth your online mental wellbeing community Read More >

Report Abuse in Education helpline
Young people and adults can call 0800 136 663 or email Read More >

Remove a nude image shared online Read More >

Why doesn’t my teen sleep? Read More >

My Family Coach - Expert support for every parenting challenge Read More >

Free Online Self-Harm Support For 10-17 Year Olds Read More >


Links for Students

Child line Read More >

CEOPS Read More >

Suicide prevention Read More >

Barnardos See More >

Stop hate uk Read More >

Young minds Read More >

fearless Read More >

Supporting mental health Read More >

Antibullying Read More >

Princes trust Read More >

Act Read More >

HappyMaps Read More >

Kooth Your online mental wellbeing community Read More >

Report Abuse in Education helpline
Young people and adults can call 0800 136 663 or email Read More >

Addiction Treatment with Rehab-Recovery Read More >

Free Online Self-Harm Support For 10-17 Year Olds Read More >